Friday, November 17, 2023

Saudi reform?

From Episode 2290 Scott Adams: CWSA 11/12/23


I think the Saudi Prince wants to be seen as the you know a senior Peacemaker which would be a real good look um and wants to be friends with everybody in the region as well as America and he's going to have to do it himself right it looks like it's a job for one person basically if he could pull it off now here's the interesting part the Crown Prince is friends with Jared Kushner and if he's watched Jared work at all he's learned some of his persuasion my guess it's just a guess is that the Crown Prince has more game than you could possibly imagine and I think he came by honestly I think he got it through watching the Trump team work that's what I think I think he learned by watching the Trump team work.


now if you haven't heard His Latest incredibly awesome idea and I mean that seriously that's not sarcasm one of his ideas is to reinterpret the Quran so that instead of saying You must convert everybody you know even by violence into Islam he wants to reinterpret that as you must inform everybody about Islam so it would be more of a conversational informational Victory as long as everybody knew it then it's up to God which I love, right.


As long as everybody's been informed then it's up to God. Let God decide if he wants to turn their souls. I like that. Now what are the odds you can push that and get away with it? If he controls the schools it's 100%. Could MBS, you know the Crown Prince, push something that is such a completely radical reinterpretation at least to some parts of Islam it would be radical as long as he controlled the schools.


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