Saturday, November 11, 2023

Education and brainwashing

I was aggressively brainwashed as a kid. Almost all of you were as well. It is dangerous to NOT brainwash kids. I was brainwashed to love my country and capitalism and to hold the melting pot as a cherished goal. That software propelled America forward. Kids today are brainwashed into an oppressed-oppressor mindset that guarantees destruction. That's partly because the brainwashing of American kids has been delegated to China via TikTok. You can't say you didn't see it coming. It's obvious.
Replying to @1000Kryptonite and @ByRakeshSimha
I have begun to think that education was always supposed to be politicised. People just forgot about this and ended up giving the keys of this henhouse to the wolves i.e. those who wan to subvert the minds of impressionable children. Thus we now have students cheering on Hamas.

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