Monday, August 26, 2024

Why Dems don't understand Trump's show


I have a hypothesis of why Trump doesn't look scary to me and doesn't look scary to most of you who are watching this probably or you wouldn't be here um but does look genuinely scary to Democrats.

Yesterday I was taking a long walk and it just sort of hit me and here's what it is. 

If you did not understand persuasion and the techniques of persuasion you would Define everything he's doing as narcissism and something evil and I thought holy cow is that all it is? 

That if you don't know how persuasion works you think that the show--because he's always putting on a show--you think that the show is some like Evil dark thing because you wouldn't have anything to understand it.


So let me let me give you uh an example. When Trump tells you that he's you know the greatest at something if you saw, if you believe that that was just him being an ordinary person telling you something he thought was factually true, you'd say to yourself um what kind of a narcissist are you right?

If your only filter was that it's an ordinary person talking and they said great things about themselves you say narcissist.

But if you understood persuasion and you knew that Trump is always in always giving a show it's literally he's putting on a show.

Once you understand it that way everything he does makes sense completely differently.

It's just part of the show to say that he can do everything and he's better at everything. And when he does things like you know have his doctor say that he's the healthiest human who ever lived or his crowd size is the size of Montana whatever he says, when I hear those things I just smile. Oh there he is he's he's playing a role.

He's putting on a show and his show is directionally correct almost every time. I mean I can't think of an an exception. Does he pass the fact check?

No. No, cuz he's not in fact check mode. He's in show mode. When you're putting on a show you're a little fast and loose with the facts. You might exaggerate things you might leave something out. You might leave out some context. 

It's politics. A show. 

So when Trump is putting on the show if you understand it as a show and you understand that what he's persuading toward is just directionally, you know, not in the detail. It's more of a directional thing.

Then you're fine with it and he doesn't look like a narcissist. He looks like a good showman and and he's in on his own joke when he makes fun of his own haircut and says things like he's more attractive than KL Harris or things like that.

If you didn't know anything about persuasion and you didn't know he was trying to put on a show you'd say oh my God what's wrong with that guy he looks dangerously narcissistic.

So I think the the way the Democrat leaders and persuaders get away with the the character attacks is that their base doesn't understand and that persuasion is happening and that it's a show.

Once you do you just enjoy the show and I think that's where most of you are.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Scott on the simulation - August 2024

52:11 Here's my final evidence that we live in a simulation.

You ready for this?  This really happened. So the vice presidential pick is Tim Walz you know. So this created a situation where, I swear this is true, it puts president Trump or Donald Trump ex president Trump in the position of opposing walls! 

Come on! 

Trump the most famous builda wall guy in the world has to run against a wall or walls

He's opposing walls! Come on! How did that happen on its own? 

How about Musk is suing a bunch of companies in that advertising space. One of the advertisers that's mentioned uh that he's specifically suing through X is the Mars company. They make candy Mars Bars and stuff. 

So Elon Musk is suing Mars! You tell me we're not living in the simulation? 

Trump is running against walls. 

Elon Musk is suing Mars.

And the assassination attempt against Trump involved somebody named cheetl trying to stop somebody named Crooks and you don't trust either of them.

How is this real? 

I mean seriously, this just all happened by itself?

I don't know. I'm having a real hard time believing any of this is happening accidentally.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Assessing major public risks


Cuban’s “What if the risk of climate doom is only 1%” argument has a problem: It applies to too many things. Should we put all resources into moving humankind to Mars because a meteor might hit Earth in the next 100 years? What about the risks of robots plus AI? Cybersecurity calamity? Rigged elections? The next pandemic. Terrorism by drone. TikTok National debt Nuclear war. Population collapse. All of those risks and more would deserve all of our resources and attention. We’re probably best off staying as wealthy as possible and elevating our science and engineering skills to meet all challenges.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Scott on "Entering your illusion"


Trump used a persuasion technique called "Entering Your Illusion" when he questioned Harris' racial identity at the NABJ, and you can already see how well it worked. I've described this technique to my audience over the years. I learned it when training to be a hypnotist. And I've used it successfully a number of times. It's a powerful tool. The method involves ACCEPTING the illusion you are trying to defeat and showing its absurdity by taking it to its obvious conclusion. Trump ACCEPTED the Democrat worldview that identity is the key variable, then casually discussed the incongruity of Harris in terms of her identity. And he did it in front of an audience organized by their identity. This particular persuasion will continue to sink in, to marinate, and to get more powerful over time. The losing play in this situation would have been to argue against using identity to choose candidates. That would be a non-starter. Instead, he "entered their illusion" and left a huge turd in the middle of their living room. It was one of the best persuasion plays in political history. But it will take some time to see it do its magic.
Rob Smith
The Black Democrat Journalist Matriarchy strikes again. There is a reason there are no Black men given these slots on @CNN. Once you see the agenda, you cannot unsee it.
0:01 / 1:24

American politics 2024

  Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays Subscribe Trump is trying to "steal your democracy" by running for office. Meanwhile, Democrats are...