Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Scott on the machine-whiteboard

Episode 2544 CWSA 07/23/24

Once you understand that humans and large language models are the same you will unleash a huge amount of ability to understand your environment because you'll understand why people are doing what they do is what they've heard the most.

Scott Adams



The big donors just showed you that the Machinery revealed itself.

23:40 and then of course the media belongs to the Democrats so it can sell pretty much anything. And if that model isn't good enough--if having the top secret people in power blackmailing big donors to choose the candidate that they want, meaning the top people want, having the media sell it--if that's not enough they have a second method.

They can rig the election.

And it turns out that we're very much like AI. We're a large language model. So whatever pattern is most dominant in your brain you think is your opinion, I hate to tell you, this is the hypnotist point of view.

You think it's your opinion because it's the thing you thought about the most and has the most structure in your brain. It's not your opinion. It's just the thing that took up the most space in your brain. It's just it's like a machine if you have more Gears of the machine in One Direction that's where you are and then you put this rationalization on top of it that you changed your mind for reasons.

30:25 No, it wasn't reasons. Did you know that when uh in the OJ trial when they said if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit and you said to yourself wow that's clever and then experts later like me said you know it's been proven that rhymes are more persuasive and you say to yourself oh Rhymes are more persuasive.

30:45 but I'm here to tell you that the reason it's more persuasive is it takes up more space in your brain. In other words the rhyme makes you repeat it, makes you remember it it. It hardens it into a physical structure in your brain so the next time you get asked do you think OJ was guilty there's a structure in your brain that irrationally has been formed by that rhyme because it repeated and now you think he might be, benefit of a doubt, he might be actually innocent because that glove didn't fit and it rhymed and it took up space.

So whatever you do to take up space in somebody's head convinced them.

Did you know that you can also persuade some by making them repeat something even if they don't believe it?


so if you say I would like you every day to repeat 10 times um I'm good at playing golf probably it would make you convinced you were going to play in golf eventually even if your golf game didn't improve you would come back thinking, you know uh the score is still the same but I've had so much improvement with my Strokes that really and you would say something ridiculous and it would only be because the repeating it every day created a structure in your brain that took up alot of space.


Once you understand that humans and large language models are the same you will unleash a huge amount of ability to understand your environment because you'll understand why people are doing what they do is what they've heard the most.


are you ready for a two whiteboard extravaganza the show of


shows something that you've never seen before I guarantee you that this show will have at least a few


surprises now some of you know what I mean some of you don't but we'll find out how this goes. 

Story number one uh Trump's going to appeal his $454 million New York civil fraud case thing and his lawyers are going to say, this is the letia James one where he allegedly did something with,


no this one where he overvalued some property and there were no victims and the bankers said yeah we'd love to do business with him again and for that he owed half a billion dollars so you know the justice system um and so his lawyers are going to say there were no Victims and no losses um and if and if pellant conduct constituted fraud under whatever statute then that word has no meaning, Etc


so I don't know how this really works I'm not sure how many appeals


opportunities he would have for this case but doesn't it have to get down in New York before he has a chance I mean the whole problem is that if you try Trump in New York he's going to get convicted of anything. you could convict


Trump of you know of murdering JFK it wouldn't matter if there was any evidence I don't think I think just New York jury is all it would take so basically isn't the whole game to get it to some higher Court where it's at in New York right


I don't know well if it delays things or at least delays him paying that money but I suppose there might be some interest if he loses I'm sure he's got some advantage in this and at the very least he can say it's appealed

 I don't know how they can make this story seem many sketchier I mean


the everything about Biden and everything about the assassination attempt on Trump have this the same weird quality where every time you learn something it it raises a bigger question



so I will remind you that uh it's only citizens who are uh presumed


uh innocent the government is presumed guilty if they do something that looks


this sketchy you have to say I think you're guilty you're going to have to show me some video your government has an


obligation to prove itself and be transparent all the time when they're not transparent your most


reasonable explanation for why given that being transparent would be to


their advantage if they didn't have anything to hide so a non-transparency has to be


assumed as guilt as a working ass asson you know not pick up your gun and send


up to jail guilt but as a working assumption you should assume they're guilty that's the most reasonable way to


play the odds all right


so now the New York posts and others reported that Biden was


threatened with the 25th Amendment um now do you think that's the


right way to phrase that because there you you know you could tell this Biden story as a coup


and it would every definition of it and I wouldn't disagree with you it does look like a


coup it looks like non-elected people are deciding who runs and could get


worse but if he is genuinely degraded you know


you can say it's it's bad that we got to this point but once you get to this point is it really blackmail or


threatening to say you're going to do a 25th amendment or is that more just like


information because if you're literally going to do the 25th Amendment because you just don't have any choice he's just


that gone would you blame anybody for saying to him look we just have to be honest we


have to do the 25th Amendment if you don't quit is that a


threat I I think that's a judgment call isn't it so you could tell this story as


people who may have done terrible things in hiding his condition up to this point may do terrible things in the future may


be terrible people but when you get to that point when he is legitimately you know done I don't know


that that's a threat that's just sort of like trying to explain to him what the situation


is so but we don't know what kind of shape he's in we'll find


out the most suspicious thing is that comma seems to have wrapped up the


nomination um in a very non-democratic way um she quite cleverly branded her


potential opponents as vice president picks and she's already hired somebody to vet her vice president picks for the


thing she has not been nominated for now if that sounds to you like


there's any possibility someone else is going to get the nomination I I think you be wrong


because she's already pulled in a gazillion dollars of extra funding like some record that we can barely believe


as in we do barely believe it meaning there might be some money laundering or


other Shenanigans involved because it's so much so fast it's just hard to believe so so now we know that the uh


the Democrats rigged the primary with Bernie Sanders you know back in


Hillary's time we know that uh Biden's primary this year was rigged in the


sense that nobody else could run against them and now this one seems to be rigged


again because even though Obama said hey there should be some Speedy little mini


primary um but other people like Jen saki even spoke of it as nothing but a


way to coronate um the obvious choice kamla and I think other people said


nobody's going to take the job of jumping over the Dei hire uh the you


know if I can be crude about it because kamla's race and gender are largely why


she is in the job and largely why she can't be replaced


so it looks like she's clinched it and whatever they do from now on is just


cover a story would you agree that that's a accurate characterization what


whatever happens from now on is just a cover story yeah um so they might do some kind


of mini primary you you know what here's what I think is the most likely


outcome the DNC will say all right you have two days to register to be a


candidate against KL Harris and if you do we'll have a series of debates and


then the delegates will get to vote and then you know what will happen


two days will go by and nobody will register and if anybody tried they say


no you don't want to register yeah I was actually thinking I was thinking maybe I will but no no you you don't want to


register no I I'm I'm sure I do I I thought I'd give it a run no you don't no you don't want to


register so that would be one way to play it let's see uh



let's see if we


understand uh what the system looks like now one of the things that is fascinating about this past year is that with the help of smart people who help us understand what the system looks like I'm talking about your Glen greenwald's


your uh Michael shellenberger your your Mike Benz um your Mike Cernovich's your


jack Posobic your tucker Carlson's you you're starting to see a picture of the


machine and I don't know if we see it clear clearly but let me tell you what it it


looks like so that's all I can say for sure is


that this is what it looks like is it real I don't know let's go to the


Whiteboard if we can get this lighting just right this will be amazing






all right I have to angle it a little a little bit because of my lighting issues but um here's what it looks like it looks like there's some group of people in power we don't know exactly who but almost certainly it would include intelligence people now not necessarily all of them employed by some intelligence agency might be ex members

who are still Affiliated but some group of people who have enough power that

they can blackmail a handful of billionaires who are the primary funders

of any candidate



now have you noticed that a lot of the people who are the biggest billionaire donors especially in the Democrat side appear to you suspiciously like the most blackmailable people you could ever think of in your life?


now I'm not making a specific accusation I'm


just saying huh if I were to try to pick people that I knew a little bit about but not a lot about and it was my job to guess which of them would be more likely to be blackmailable I might I might end up luckily picking some of the people who are the

biggest donors at the moment.


And I asked myself why aren't other billionaires giant donors as well?

Let's take I'll just take one example. Sam bankman freed all right so I can use him because he's convicted.


21:27 Do you think that there was ever any anybody in any kind of intelligence or power position who knew exactly how vulnerable he was? maybe they did who knows it's just suspiciously it looks like billionaires either can be blackmailed for something they may have done in their personal life but I'm not


sure you'd call this blackmail but you would assume that anybody who has a gigantic international business


would need some people who also have giant power to either not get in their


way or help some things get out of their way


So at some


point certain types of billionaires I I think it depends on what kind of business you're in um they really need


people in important positions to say yes and it could mean billions of dollars for them in other words they might get a gigantic multi-billion dollar contract if they give1 to100 million a year to the candidate of the top People's Choice



Now am I saying this is the way it works? I don't know. I'm saying this is the way it looks like it works. I'm saying that the gears of the machine seem to have revealed themselves in this latest situation because we saw that um when I say “and friends” I would include Pelosi as a friend and Obama, Hillary Clinton so they they would be the in friends group. Now they don't always agree with each other on everything probably but collectively they would be the ones that would be working with the people who almost certainly have blackmail on the people who are the biggest donors in my opinion.


and uh they get to select the candidate as we just watched them do with Kamala Harris because they said Joe Biden you'll never get any more money and that was the end of it.


So you don't have to wonder who's in charge. The big donors just showed you that the Machinery revealed itself.


23:40 and then of course the media belongs to the Democrats so it can sell pretty much anything. And if that model isn't good enough--if having the top secret people in power blackmailing big donors to choose the candidate that they want, meaning the top people want, having the media sell it--if that's not enough they have a second method.


They can rig the election.


24:07 And by the way everything I'm saying here is not to be considered as a fact I'm telling you what it looks like. Is that clear? I'm just saying this is what it looks like.


So Mike Cernovich was recently on the Tucker show and I haven't watched it all but I did see this one quote so this is Mike Cernovich explaining one of the potential risks of the uh upcoming election.



Mike Cernovich, nobody can know, Tucker asked him what's going to happen in

the election and Mike says nobody can know because the Democrats have all these tricks up their sleeves that people aren't prepared for.


For example, what they're doing now with motor voter registration is they're registering illegal immigrants who come into the country and they'll just Harvest those ballots. It's really easy to do.


We have 10 or 11 million people in it over the past couple years on the Biden Administration. You register them all to vote. It doesn't matter because they're not going to vote so there's no voter prosecution.


25:22 oh I didn't think about that. So you don't have to worry about the voters getting in trouble because they're not actually going to vote, so there's no voter prosecution and there won't be any record of voter fraud by them but you have all these names now.


in a swing state remember the elections are decided not by popular vote it's decided by 50 to 100,000 votes in three to four states.


Then he talks through how all you need is small numbers to tip the election now is that accurate? I don't know. I don't know but I I'll tell you what's obvious. What's obvious is if if the people at the top actually exist, if this is a real concept, if they haven't figured out how to rig our election yet, well, it's just a matter of time.


26:18 It means they're not trying hard enough because these would be the people who had all the skills and all the access and all the capability so if they didn't rig the election but they were willing to do all this, how does that make sense?


so if you accept that the center part is reality and again I'm not saying it is. I'm saying it's just what it looks like. If you accept that they would blackmail people to get the candidates they want and they're really the power then it also makes sense since they have all the tools they would need it would be trivial actually.


26:52 and we still don't understand why there are electronic voting machines at all. Like nobody can figure out, okay it doesn't seem to be cheaper. it doesn't seem to be more credible to the public. it doesn't seem to be faster. it doesn't seem to be less maintenance.


27:10 so there might be a reason that I'm not aware of but I've been asking for years and nobody's ever offered even an explanation. Never. Not once. Nobody has ever said Scott, you idiot, let me explain how this works. You have to have the machines because and then they tell me why. Never happened, not even once.


Anyway so if you imagine that the center part is obvious and we've seen it in action this week then it seems equally obvious that they would have the option for rigging an election whether it was ours or anybody else they got their mitts into.


And then it also makes sense if you believe that JFK was assassinated by members of the intelligence people that it would be the same capability, same people, same mindset and that they would have the option to try to take out a candidate.


So what we witnessed was something that looks exactly like this picture meaning that is it true? Is that an accurate picture of what's happening in the world? I don't know. I mean I genuinely don't know but if I had to make a bet


28:35 you know bet your life I think I'd be leaning toward betting my life that this is closer than whatever you were trained to believe.




 I'm going to make a little diversion right now just for fun. Robert Chaldini, who wrote the book influence talks about a study where you could get people to change their opinions by asking them to write down the opposite argument from their opinion and then they would check back with them in a year and they found out that statistically there were a lot of them who had changed their opinion even though they had received no new information.


29:18 They had just been forced to write their opinion and what that shows is that making somebody create a part of their brain, which is really a physical structure, based on your experience, you know, the physical brain changes.


29:32 That's how you can remember anything. There's something physically that's different so if you make somebody write an essay that's the opposite of their opinion it starts taking up more real estate in their brain than their original opinion.


And it turns out that we're very much like AI. We're a large language model. So whatever pattern is most dominant in your brain you think is your opinion, I hate to tell you, this is the hypnotist point of view.


You think it's your opinion because it's the thing you thought about the most and has the most structure in your brain. It's not your opinion. It's just the thing that took up the most space in your brain. It's just it's like a machine if you have more Gears of the machine in One Direction that's where you are and then you put this rationalization on top of it that you changed your mind for reasons.


30:25 No, it wasn't reasons. Did you know that when uh in the OJ trial when they said if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit and you said to yourself wow that's clever and then experts later like me said you know it's been proven that rhymes are more persuasive and you say to yourself oh Rhymes are more persuasive.


30:45 but I'm here to tell you that the reason it's more persuasive is it takes up more space in your brain. In other words the rhyme makes you repeat it, makes you remember it it. It hardens it into a physical structure in your brain so the next time you get asked do you think OJ was guilty there's a structure in your brain that irrationally has been formed by that rhyme because it repeated and now you think he might be, benefit of a doubt, he might be actually innocent because that glove didn't fit and it rhymed and it took up space.


So whatever you do to take up space in somebody's head convinced them.


Did you know that you can also persuade some by making them repeat something even if they don't believe it?



so if you say I would like you every day to repeat 10 times um I'm good at playing golf probably it would make you convinced you were going to play in golf eventually even if your golf game didn't improve you would come back thinking, you know uh the score is still the same but I've had so much improvement with my Strokes that really and you would say something ridiculous and it would only be because the repeating it every day created a structure in your brain that took up alot of space.



Once you understand that humans and large language models are the same you will unleash a huge amount of ability to understand your environment because you'll understand why people are doing what they do is what they've heard the most.


Now you know those people at the top of that white board? do you know what else they like you to do?



They'd like your children to stand up and look at the flag and put their hand on their heart and pledge allegiance to the country. Do you know why? Because they're building a structure in the child's head so that their rational thinking will not be able to overcome the embedded pattern that they are going to give their lives for the country.


Are they giving their lives for the country? In a way, but they're really giving their lives to their hypnotizers. The people in charge have been overtly consciously hypnotizing the public since the beginning of the Republic with different methods. where you see repetition such as standing for the national anthem. That's the hypnosis and where you see the what you call the marxists and the people trying to destroy the country where you see them taking down the past and dismantling history…


These people who were slave owners stop talking about them take them off your money Etc. All of the founders are part of that structure that got put in your head when you were little that made you loyal to your country.



And so as those structures are dismantled and now when I think of George Washington do you know what the first thing I think of is slave owner. That's the truth. If you said to me, “Hey, George Washington” what's your first thought?


I would actually think slave owner first. I definitely didn't think that when I was a kid, even though I knew it. I mean I knew it as a kid, but I didn't think of it first.


34:21 so that's how the large language model, that is, your physical brain gets programmed.


It's just whatever they put in there the most and they own the news so the reason that the people on top have to own the news is not optional is that the only way to control the citizens is by increasing the frequency of certain messages and that's the world you live in.


35:37 the Harris versus Trump polls uh apparently Trump has a 2.5% lead based on 72 poles according to the hill now uh I think the polls are largely garbage at the moment because do you know what's about to kick in chug chug chug CH chug CH chug


let's go back to the Whiteboard


the people who picked Kamala Harris control the media.


you saw the media just flip and lock step to tell you that Kamala Harris was so awesome and it's amazing you hadn't noticed till now. There must have been probably some white guy, maybe Joe Biden, who is keeping her genius under a


She might be the most capable person we've seen in I don't know generations and by the way Trump's way too old are you kidding me would you even consider putting an old man into that office what are you talking about people?


36:43 and they will say that stuff until 49% of the country thinks it's true and they've really seen the truth there because Democrats are largely large language models and all they need is repetition and they will become whatever they need to become/


I think that the that Trump's confidence in debating Kamala Harris uh might be for a show you know confidence is a good thing to show but I don't think that Trump can beat KLA Harris in a debate.



I guess I'll just say it directly I don't believe that Trump can beat KL Harris in a debate because remember a debate is not about who did the best by some objective standard who won the debate will be what these people say the media. So if the media says well that was a that was total Destruction that Kamala Harris, I, we, you know we told you we told you she was always a genius and you just hadn't seen it till now but now she tore apart uh Trump she made him look like a fool



and if I don't mind saying his age was showing he seemed a little chaotic he's got a lot of chaos um seemed racist and uh I think he slightly mispronounced her name once and you know if you happen to be the person who allegedly called know Nazis fine people and you said Kamala just not exactly the right way that's obviously racist and she won that debate



now you might say to yourself Scott that's not true because both sides new that Biden lost the debate that was the most special case in the world when it's so bad that it would just be laughably ridiculous to say that Biden won when he could barely function



that's not what we're looking at we're looking at a woman who will reliably remember the push back on each topic.



she will do her homework and she will know that when he says on this topic she doesn't even have to address it directly she can just say the things she was going to say on that topic she'll say it with emotion that the news will say was amazing and they will declare her the winner.



39:30 now you might say to me but Scott Fox News is going to say Trump won of course they will and I might even say that myself but it won't matter because everybody on Fox News was going to vote for Trump anyway so no votes gained but can you imagine how the entire conversation changes if they say she's not only ready for office now she just beat an ex-president one of the best persuaders we've ever seen in a debate.


and that's coming. What's coming is a knockout story that she completely annihilated the best Persuader we've seen in Generations we've never seen anybody with that kind of a performance maybe the best performance we've ever seen might possibly the best debate of all time just right there and they'll have tears in their eyes and they'll say how


they love her


they love her I I I love her I love her all right.


Have you noticed that K Harris looks like at least two people? when she's being her prosecutor herself um as her supporters say she is awesome and she seems On Target and by the way the reason that I originally thought that she would um become Trump's biggest competitor back in 2018.


I was saying that is because I'd seen her grilling people in a congressional setting and I said to myself wow you're pretty good at that that was some good grilling and then she had the you know the Dei check marks so I thought well if you put the Dei check marks there and she can look that good in public that's actually a strong package I could see why she would go all the way so that's why I predicted that she would be the you know the big competitor uh and it turned into Biden instead but you've all seen the uh the videos where she's acting goofy and it's almost like a different person isn't it? um it feels like almost a different person.

American politics 2024

  Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays Subscribe Trump is trying to "steal your democracy" by running for office. Meanwhile, Democrats are...