Tuesday, February 27, 2024

4 levels of awareness

Feb 27, 2024

Gemini took us to a new level of awareness, or will soon. Level One: (child level) believes what adults say is true. Example: Santa Claus. Level Two: When you realize humans sometimes are wrong and sometimes lie. But you still think that only applies to idiots and scoundrels, i.e. the "other team." Level Three: You understand that reality might be a fixed thing, but our interpretations of it (narratives) are purely subjective. We don't even know if we are the baddies or the good guys. Google's Gemini AI damaged Level Two and opened up a path to Level Three. It did that by demonstrating that the Google's "truth" was entirely subjective. But you won't get all the way to Level Three until you observe that this problem can't be fixed because there is no "true" narrative. That's a few months away. Level Four is the fun one, if you can get there. That's where you start to author the Simulation and make insanely accurate predictions. Speaking of predictions, I predicted this shift in awareness in 2015, when I said Trump would change more than politics. I predicted he would "rip a hole in reality itself." This is what I was describing.

Most Americans are like fish swimming around in an ocean of cultural marxism who don't know they're wet. Gemini for many was like the fish jumping out of water and getting a look at the blazing sun. It burns hot. However, like fish, most human beings prefer an ocean of lies to the hard life of living in truth. But for those who have evolved, we feel like we're drowning in deceit.


It definitely seems that something world-changing is afoot. Everywhere we look, fog is lifting; curtains are being pulled back; facades are being torn down; lies, propaganda and inaccuracies are being exposed to light. Over the decades of our lifetime, these positive things have always been happening, but they’ve always been counteracted by opposite negative happenings. Fog would lift here but fall there. A curtain would be pulled back here but one would be drawn closed there. One facade would be torn down but a new one would be built somewhere else. Now, it seems that the positive things are happening faster than the negative things. Truth is coming to light faster than it can be hidden. The turmoil and tension is greater than ever, but maybe it’s because the balance is shifting. Society’s magnetic poles are reversing. Maybe things had to get worse before they could get better. Maybe a hole had to be ripped in reality. Whatever lies just ahead of us, however things turn out, we’re living in an extraordinary time.

I wonder if The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect is why AI will never be smart and unbiased the way we imagined it would. AI is great at writing code because developers can tell when the code is wrong, and adjust accordingly. (I assume?) But if AI gets something wrong in YOUR area of expertise, you know it, but the developers do not. I queried Gemini about my own story and it wasn't even close to understanding the context. But the developers can't fix that because they think Gemini is already right because it agrees with the news, lol. This is not fixable. It's a human problem.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Russia hoaxes updated 2-26-2024


Russia Hoax Update (now 14) 1. Russia collusion hoax (the original) 2. Russian bounties on American soldiers hoax 3. Hunter laptop was Russian disinfo hoax 4. Trump responsible for Navalny's death hoax 5. Trump invited Russia to attack a NATO country that doesn't pay its bills hoax 6. FBI informant for the Biden bribes is a Russian spy (probable hoax) 7. Putin blew up his own pipeline hoax. 8. NEW: Trump is romantically attracted to Putin. 9. Russia is behind the anti-vax movement (Peter Hotez) 10. Alfa Bank hoax 11. Hamilton 68 Hoax 12. Embassy sonic weapon hoax 13. Navalny died of a blood clot (probable hoax) 14. CIA was NOT secretly helping Ukraine since 2014.

American politics 2024

  Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays Subscribe Trump is trying to "steal your democracy" by running for office. Meanwhile, Democrats are...