Friday, December 29, 2023

Simulation tests

For extra fun, I contend we can prove reality is a simulation by identifying all the coding shortcuts and methods any human programmer would have used to build a digital civilization that thought it was real. - History is only created on demand? Check - Can’t get “outside” the universe? Check - Maximum speed? Check - Most of space is “nothing”? Check - Our physics map to formulas? Check - Players often have different memories of same events? Check - Players are prevented from seeing the obvious? Check - Players imagine seeing more detail than is present? Check - Intelligence is little more than word patterns? Check - Most characters are mindless NPCs? Check - Universal illusion of free will? Check - The players are coincidentally the apex predators among millions of creature types. Check I could go on, but you are programmed to not see it.

The worst argument against our reality being a simulation is that the vastness of reality is too complex to be simulated. Restated, the argument is “Assume everything is real. Blah,blah, therefore, everything is real.” That’s nonsense. If we are a simulation, all we need is the illusion of detail and complexity. Our brains pull off that illusion every time we dream. Easy to include in the code.

Confirmation bias. To prove simulation theory, identify a prediction that is exclusive to simulation theory and see if it comes true. Then repeat until there is no other alternative explanation. Prediction: you won’t find a correct prediction exclusive to simulation theory.

I’ll bet it will be proved someday soon.

You are correct. The universe was spoken (coded) into existence. And it is the test for the next life. Judgment before God will determine whether or not we move from the simulation into the true reality of paradise or the true reality of hell

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