Friday, October 6, 2023

Oct 5, 2023 dying vs changing one's mind


From 2252 Oct 5, 2023

20:45 I saw this question uh from un Hoodwink on X. What percentage of woke liberals would rather die by the hands of their publicly promoted ideology (in other words open borders and defunding the police) versa admit they were wrong and then work with the right to fix the problems? 

Now what do you think? How many Democrats would literally, now we're talking literally, literally actually die, how many would actually choose a high, well not certainty of death, but how many would choose a large percentage chance of dying violently rather than admit they're wrong? It's probably 90%

That's my guess because that's how cognitive dissonance works. Until their final breath they would still think they were right. There would be no point that would ever change their mind because once you're really really committed to an opinion you will actually risk your life so you don't have to change it. 

You wouldn't take certain death if I gave you a choice of all right yeah you can hold that opinion but in five days you will be dead for sure and we guarantee it. Well, that might change somebody's opinion because we have a survival Instinct but if you said there's, you know, your opinion is a really higher chance you're going to get killed, like substantially higher, they would say, I know, but it's the principle of the thing. So no I don't think the risk of being killed by their own policies would change their minds.

I don't think that's how minds work. We just stick with what we thought was true and we never leave basically.

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