Friday, July 28, 2023

Persuasion wizards

I sometimes see the world as a secret battle among persuasion wizards, sort of like the movie Underworld, in which the vampires and werewolves are waging a war that humans don't notice. By this filter, I'm seeing a frightening signal. I'll explain.
I sometimes see the world as a secret battle among persuasion wizards, sort of like the movie Underworld, in which the vampires and werewolves are waging a war that humans don't notice. By this filter, I'm seeing a frightening signal. I'll explain.
When Democrats succeeded in persuading half of the public that Republicans staged an insurrection and didn't bring guns, we entered a whole new realm. As a hypnotist, if I had been on the team that pulled that off, I would have one BIG question. . .
I'd want to know if there was any limit to what you could sell to the half of the public that votes for Democrats. I would want to test it. And to test it, I would introduce to the news cycle a whistleblower with the most implausible story I could imagine. Yep.
I would plant a story that the US has multiple captured alien ships and even some dead aliens. And I would ask you to accept that these aliens routinely navigate the vastness of space and crash mostly in America.
If half of the public believes that story, the country is ripe for a takeover from within, without firing a shot. As a hypnotist, that's how I'd test the "subject" to see if they are in a fully suggestible state: I'd suggest something absurd, such as one arm becoming weightless.
Using the Underworld filter, to me it looks like a Master Persuader is doing a hypnotic induction on the public via control of the Democrat's bubble of social media and news. All of the elements of induction are present.
I don't hold any filter on reality to be "true." But some filters seem to predict better than others, and that might be worth something. This filter predicts that the next "suggestion" that comes packaged as news will be another escalation of absurdity and/or the takeover play.

This is a "Summer tweet" (or xeet?) so don't take it too seriously. It means nothing. You will forget it by the time you stop reading this part of the thread. There is nothing to see here. Kittens are soft. Don't you have something you need to be doing?

American politics 2024

  Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays Subscribe Trump is trying to "steal your democracy" by running for office. Meanwhile, Democrats are...