Monday, September 9, 2024

Re-engineering government

Trump was reported


looking at uh putting Elon Musk in charge of what they're calling auditing federal agencies to look for things to


cut and Elon Musk said about that report quote I can't wait uh there's a lot of


waste and needless regulations in government that needs to go it it looks like this is real


uh apparently both Trump and Elon Musk are completely on board if Trump gets elected that musk will get the look at


where you can just cut stuff this is probably the best thing that's happening anywhere about


anything because in in my view let me tell you something from the


business world so in the 90s or so there was this idea that business should be


re-engineered not tweaked now what that meant was instead of you know continuously improving things the way


they are sometimes the world has changed so much or your company has drifted so


much you know without your intention that you really have to almost treat it like you're starting over so the idea of


re-engineering was not just tweaking what you have but saying okay what if we didn't have anything and we had a chance


to build the thing what would it look like so that's reengineering that's rethinking it from the ground up if you


needed to do that to our government and I would argue that's exactly what we do


need what skill needs to be brought to it do you need a


lawyer nope do you need a historian


nope do you need a a finance person because it's going to be about money


nope there is one skill that you need and it's engineering because it's literally


re-engineering because the government can be thought of as a machine it's got


moving Parts this part has too many moving Parts maybe we could do this with three moving Parts instead of 100 this


one is an unnecessary feature it's causing us trouble why don't we just remove the feature it's an engineering


task just just consider this thought for a moment if you're not feeling enough


optimism lately just just hold this in your mind


the biggest risk to America is that we don't re-engineer and that we just keep


tweaking things and that we become bloated and Divi divided and overspend and just kill ourselves with with just


drifting in One Direction it is our biggest risk it and I could argue it's what


destroyed almost every civilization in the past unless it was a natural


disaster that they needed to stop doing what they were doing and do a whole do thing or else they're going to they're


all going to die we're in that situation we're in the existential risk our


current system will kill us all really like actually really if we just keep


doing what we're doing we will die we will all be dead and the only way to fix it is to somewhat radically change how


we operate as a country in other words replace the machine but you need to keep


the Constitution you just want to keep the Machinery right so you want to keep the rules of the road so you don't want


to change the fact that you know Vehicles need to go under the speed limit and stay on the road and stuff


that's like the Constitution but the car itself needs to be completely redesigned


now if I said to you pick the one person on the entire planet that you would want to


re-engineer anything whether it's a government or a car or a spaceship it's it's musk it's musk all


day long all day long you try to give me the second best


person for that good luck who's the second best person for that job you can't even come


up with one you're my you you know you can think of lots of smart people but you can't


think of anybody smart enough who would be willing to take the level of


pain that would be required to get it done right the thing that Elon brings to


every situation is you think that a level of pain will stop me well watch this pain doesn't stop him


threats don't stop him he he's got the threat of jail right now doesn't stop


him it's the only person who could do this and we're lucky enough that that


person not only is willing to do it but enthusiastic about it do you know how lucky that that


is I mean just think about how lucky that is yeah and he would have a JD Vance and a vake um he would have you


know brilliant people you know the on his side to help this is really really really lucky


Elon Musk could have easily been Australian right he could have easily


been you know if we're all reincarnated Chinese


but we got him the number one person to do the number one most important


thing I feel pretty good about it but only if Trump gets elected


I saw somebody else saying


that musk was ruining his brand Tesla and I have to I have to admit I am


concerned that Elon musk's political stuff will sour some number of people


from buying tesl I don't know if we've seen it yet but I don't know how it doesn't happen


because people are pretty prickly about their politics and their cars and so I should tell you that I I do own


stock in Tesla so I'm not I'm not being unbiased I'm totally biased in favor of


Tesla uh but my investment in Tesla has less to do with cars and more to do with the


robots one possibility is that the reason we don't understand why Elon Musk could take such


a risk with the stock price of Tesla is that he told us exactly what's going on


that robots are going to be you know maybe 20 times bigger than cars and Tesla is going to be a robot company and


they're going to be rolling them out in a year or so it might not matter to him what happens with


cars it might be the smallest part of his business in less than a year so


maybe he's just ahead of us and he knows he can say what he wants to say and


promote free speech and uh if something happens to the car stock he'll just make


it up with robots and people want robots because it'll be the best robot and there you go so who knows he's


taking a risk um so com Harris has come out directly


in opposition of freedom of speech which doesn't sound true does it


when I say that you're going to say oh that's a you know you're you're exaggerating what she


said right but can we agree that the definition of free speech is that you


can say things other people don't want you to say that's the definition the definition


is not that you can say things everybody likes to hear that has nothing to do with free speech free speech is


specifically Limited to things that other people really really don't want you to say because they think it's


dangerous or whatever and haris says that uh social media has no oversight or


regulation and talks about musk and says uh there has to be a responsibility to


understand their power they're directly speaking to Millions without oversight or regulation and then she said of musk


quote he has lost his privilege it should be taken down what she thinks the xplatform


should be taken what should be taken down you mean just taken down a notch or


just taken offline I mean either way it's terrible but if you say that somebody's


lost their privilege because they don't understand that they should be censoring the way you want them to censor because


you don't like the things they're saying I would say that is directly opposed to free speech directly and it doesn't feel


like an interpretation to me to me it feels like a direct statement I do not like freedom of speech it's too


dangerous when you boost it by social media and by the way it's not a crazy


argument it's one I disagree with here's why it's not crazy when the Constitution


was written social media didn't exist so if your crazy neighbor had some crazy


ideas he could talk about it all day long it wasn't going anywhere so he he had real free speech he could say


whatever he wanted using the best technology of the day he could write a letter one letter so free speech was


really easy then because it didn't move the needle you know except in the


longest you know timeline it did but at the moment social media is so powerful


it can change the needle overnight it can turn a uh the least the least


popular candidate into the most popular candidate and we watched it who you know if you had the news the news to social


media now does she say the same thing about the


news because whatever you say about social media it's not regulated it can say whatever it wants it's dangerous


wouldn't they say the same thing about Fox News and breitbard and just the news


and Gateway pundit doesn't it come next they have


great responsibility if they have misinformation it's dangerous you know none of this existed


during the uh time of the Revolutionary War


so this is the most dangerous possible thing you could possi think uh Michael


shellenberger goes further and he says in a post today people think Brazil style censorship couldn't happen here


but it could indeed K Harris Tim ws and Barack Obama have all called for


heavy-handed government censorship like that of Brazil and Europe complete with Banning disfavored individuals across


platforms and he's right I mean he he backs it up with examples Etc


so we were actually at a point where freedom of speech in my opinion could be the only


topic of the election it seems to me that Trump is an


unlosable situation because if he starts hammering on this freedom of speech stuff


and he does a better job which he's not done so far on handling that bodily autonomy thing he has a stronger


argument on bodily autonomy by a mile he just has never put it together the


minute he puts together that bodily autonomy argument which is hey I took


abortion away from the federal government and away from me I moved it closer to you and there are more women


in every state you women can vote in any bodily autonomy law you want I don't oppose that a bit and then say but I


don't want criminals to take your bodily aut autonomy I don't want undocumented people to take your your jobs everything


that happens is your bodily autonomy can you walk outside with safety can your children go to school


safely it's all bodily autonomy everything the government does from the legal system the Department of Justice


but the Democrats are T trying to take Trump's bodily autonomy away and put him in jail the there is one side that is


massively trying to control your bodily autonomy they're going to make sure you don't have a gun Etc the only argument


they have the only argument is on Reproductive Rights and Trump has not done a good


job in simply explaining that they do have everything they want and he's not the one opposing any of


it they have everything they want in terms of they have the political power to vote in any state law that they want


if the women are largely in the same team they just have to be on the same side so convince the women what you want


not Trump he's out at the game and and by the way that sentence is


super powerful imagine Trump saying look it's move to the States you need to work


on getting women to agree with you because if they do you can have anything you want that's what our system is I'm


out of the game I'm out of the game is a kill shot


I'm out of that game I took myself out anyway um yeah freedom of speech


could be the only topic of the election and it would be a trump Victory I think because he can he can make the bodily


autonomy and freedom of speech argument if he chooses to 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Banning books from school libraries


Are we doing the thing where we pretend to not know why some books are inappropriate for young kids?
Stephen King
Florida has banned 23 pf my books. What the f*ck?


Just 48 hours after Stephen King made fun of me and the SpaceX team for a minor booster crash, SpaceX successfully launched 2 Falcon 9's into orbit and nailed the booster landings. Should I send Stephen King to Mars on the next rocket?

Monday, August 26, 2024

Why Dems don't understand Trump's show


I have a hypothesis of why Trump doesn't look scary to me and doesn't look scary to most of you who are watching this probably or you wouldn't be here um but does look genuinely scary to Democrats.

Yesterday I was taking a long walk and it just sort of hit me and here's what it is. 

If you did not understand persuasion and the techniques of persuasion you would Define everything he's doing as narcissism and something evil and I thought holy cow is that all it is? 

That if you don't know how persuasion works you think that the show--because he's always putting on a show--you think that the show is some like Evil dark thing because you wouldn't have anything to understand it.


So let me let me give you uh an example. When Trump tells you that he's you know the greatest at something if you saw, if you believe that that was just him being an ordinary person telling you something he thought was factually true, you'd say to yourself um what kind of a narcissist are you right?

If your only filter was that it's an ordinary person talking and they said great things about themselves you say narcissist.

But if you understood persuasion and you knew that Trump is always in always giving a show it's literally he's putting on a show.

Once you understand it that way everything he does makes sense completely differently.

It's just part of the show to say that he can do everything and he's better at everything. And when he does things like you know have his doctor say that he's the healthiest human who ever lived or his crowd size is the size of Montana whatever he says, when I hear those things I just smile. Oh there he is he's he's playing a role.

He's putting on a show and his show is directionally correct almost every time. I mean I can't think of an an exception. Does he pass the fact check?

No. No, cuz he's not in fact check mode. He's in show mode. When you're putting on a show you're a little fast and loose with the facts. You might exaggerate things you might leave something out. You might leave out some context. 

It's politics. A show. 

So when Trump is putting on the show if you understand it as a show and you understand that what he's persuading toward is just directionally, you know, not in the detail. It's more of a directional thing.

Then you're fine with it and he doesn't look like a narcissist. He looks like a good showman and and he's in on his own joke when he makes fun of his own haircut and says things like he's more attractive than KL Harris or things like that.

If you didn't know anything about persuasion and you didn't know he was trying to put on a show you'd say oh my God what's wrong with that guy he looks dangerously narcissistic.

So I think the the way the Democrat leaders and persuaders get away with the the character attacks is that their base doesn't understand and that persuasion is happening and that it's a show.

Once you do you just enjoy the show and I think that's where most of you are.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Scott on the simulation - August 2024

52:11 Here's my final evidence that we live in a simulation.

You ready for this?  This really happened. So the vice presidential pick is Tim Walz you know. So this created a situation where, I swear this is true, it puts president Trump or Donald Trump ex president Trump in the position of opposing walls! 

Come on! 

Trump the most famous builda wall guy in the world has to run against a wall or walls

He's opposing walls! Come on! How did that happen on its own? 

How about Musk is suing a bunch of companies in that advertising space. One of the advertisers that's mentioned uh that he's specifically suing through X is the Mars company. They make candy Mars Bars and stuff. 

So Elon Musk is suing Mars! You tell me we're not living in the simulation? 

Trump is running against walls. 

Elon Musk is suing Mars.

And the assassination attempt against Trump involved somebody named cheetl trying to stop somebody named Crooks and you don't trust either of them.

How is this real? 

I mean seriously, this just all happened by itself?

I don't know. I'm having a real hard time believing any of this is happening accidentally.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Assessing major public risks


Cuban’s “What if the risk of climate doom is only 1%” argument has a problem: It applies to too many things. Should we put all resources into moving humankind to Mars because a meteor might hit Earth in the next 100 years? What about the risks of robots plus AI? Cybersecurity calamity? Rigged elections? The next pandemic. Terrorism by drone. TikTok National debt Nuclear war. Population collapse. All of those risks and more would deserve all of our resources and attention. We’re probably best off staying as wealthy as possible and elevating our science and engineering skills to meet all challenges.

Re-engineering government Trump was reported 38:36 looking at uh putting Elon Musk in charge of what they're calling...